Royal Canin Vet Dental Clinical Canine Dry 6Kg - 6 kg
46.99 GBP
Price match guarantee. Royal Canin Dental Clinical Canine is a complete dietetic feed for your adult pooch with oral sensitivity. The feed has been specifically formulated with nutrients to help maintain healthy bones and joints and support a balanced and healthy digestive system. The shape, texture and size of the kibble are perfect for your furry friend as they help produce a mechanical brushing effect on their teeth. The feed has a great tartar control as it contains a specific nutrient that helps trap calcium in the saliva which reduces tartar deposits. To feed this product requires regular advice from your veterinarian.Ask your vet about Prescription Diet foods and they will advise you on appropriate foods, feeding guidelines and duration.If you have any queries relating to the feeding of the diet please refer to your veterinarian.Price Drop