Jml Hydro Wonder Shower/Bath Mat - Grey - Print -
18.99 GBP
JML Hydro Wonder Shower/Bath Matin Grey A clever update on the traditional shower mat, Hydro Wonder by JML is a high quality mat that makes it feel like you're standing on a soft, comfy carpet inside your own shower! Also suitable for using in the bathtub or any watery surface where slips are always a possibility, it's made from asuperior interwoven design thatallows water to flow through, ensuring yourdrain willnever getblocked. Gentlymassaging your feet with a plush rug-like surface, it keepsyou standing steady and has anon-slip underside to holdit in place. And unlike other bathmats that can develop bacteria and mould, Hydro Wonder is dirt resistant so thatit never stains, smells or gets discoloured. It's alsoresistant to any soap, detergentandcleaning products you use in the bathroom,and will dry quickly and last a lifetime thanks to the hard-wearing fibres. Depth: 400 MM Height: 10 MM Width: 600 MM Enjoy comfort and softness in the shower Great for bathtubs and anywhere floors are wet Interwoven fabric lets water pass through No more blocked drains and plugholes Non-slip surface- no suction cups Dries quickly and easily Dirt resistant, never stains or discolours