Globber Explorer Trike 4 in 1 - Mint

150 GBP

The Globber Explorer Trike 4in1 allows for maximum product usage with an all-in-one baby tricycle for toddlers aged 10 months+ and balance bike for ages 2 to 5. When assembled as a toddler tricycle, it can be adapted for when kids develop. From Infant Trike when they are 10 to 36 months, to Guided Trike for 18 to 36 months, to Training Trike for 24 to 36 months - and for when they are ready, a Balance Bike for 2 to 5 years. The Trike has been designed to include the 5-point safety harness with comfortable shoulder pads, high-back seat, kids footrest and safety bar when in Infant Trike mode. With a patented wheel mechanism, adults can easily transform the trike through the modes to meet their little one's stage in development. Without the need for tools, the process is both quick and simple! With a built-in front freewheel system locking system for optimum safety. For those sunnier days, the adjustable anti-UV (UPF 50+) canopy will add style and protection.Brand: GlobberFour different modes, changeable for your child's developmentParent handle to guide and teach children as they learn how to steerAge suitability: 10+ monthsTool-less design for easy assembly5-point harnessFront wheel locking systemAnti-slip TPR handlebars, Only for domestic useAnti-UV canopy, Protective equipment (helmet) should be worn, not to be used in trafficAdjustable seatMax User Weight: 20kg, Adult supervision required at all timesOverall assembled dimensions approx.: 95 x 47 x 96 cm
