Einhell Power X-Change 18V Cordless Pruning Shears - Bare

73 GBP

Einhell Power X-Change 18V Cordless Pruning Shears - Bare - The Einhell PXC GE-LS 18 Li-Solo Cordless Pruning Shears is a an easy-to-use alternative to a hand-held pruning saw or garden shears. The branch shears are suitable for cutting branches up to 28mm thick. Its high-grade bypass blades are designed for efficient cutting performance. Safe storage is assured by an on/off sliding switch to activate/deactivate the shears and a rugged plastic cover. Supplied without battery and charger, available separately 4.0Ah Battery and Fast Charger Starter Kit sku no. 234046 and 2.5Ah Battery and Fast Charger Kit sku no. 257481.
